【全球热闻】听不懂用英语怎么说 听不懂用英语应该如何说呢
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【全球热闻】听不懂用英语怎么说 听不懂用英语应该如何说呢

来源:伊秀经验网 2022-09-23 21:24:18


1、听不懂英文:cannot understand。

2、词典释义:not get a thing out of,不能欣赏;听不懂;从……中得不到情报。

3、列句:她讲的东西我一个字都听不懂!I couldnt understand a single word she said!

4、列句:我听不懂讲课,所以也就不听了。I couldnt understand the lecture so I just turned off.

5、列句:她说这是女生话题,男人是听不懂的。She said it was just girl talk that a man wouldnt understand.



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